You can make the CFG if you so choose to, load/execute every time you get into GMOD by adding: +exec fpsboost - on GMOD's Launch Options This CFG may give you a 15/20/25 FPS Boost or much more depending on how your computer handles it. it means it is now loaded in and working.
After placement and checking if your GMOD Launch Options are correct, open GMOD and you'll see the console popup, write on console: exec fpsboost (You have to do this every time you want to load/execute it)Ĥ.If you see: LazP' maxframes Config loaded. You can check what the file contains by opening it with Notepad (It may look disorganized, open it with Notepad++ to see it correctly)ģ. \Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\cfg)Ģ. Place the 'fpsboost.cfg' file into your GMOD cfg directory (.